
did they sing?

Or did they sing–
the humans and the monkeys and the wolves
rising their voices up
all together,
conjuring light from
the blacked out, inexhaustible moon.

Yes. We like to think that
some of them
have sung.

- from Caroline Harvey of Boston


breadth as an indicator of strength

I can point to all the obvious demarcations. 

I took your short words
the lack of question marks
as a lack of curiosity.

I mistook breadth for strength. 
is breadth an indicator of strength? 

when a thing breaks,
the interior becomes clear.

what I missed when it was solid,
is now apparent.

there is hint
the soft spots were there

my enchantment,
fooled me.
my investment,
blurred the dents.

On Organization

“Technology should do the hard work, so people can get on with the things that make them happiest in life,” he said at Google I/O. “People are starving in the world, not because we don’t have enough food, but because we’re not organized. And computers are part of that. … Farming is great if that’s what you want to do, but not if that’s what you have to do.”
He says he’s uninterested in the stories about Google versus other companies (of course, everyone’s thinking Apple). Instead, he’s focused on building “things that don’t exist.” To him, the “important things aren’t zero-sum.” An example of one of these big visions is giving people’s commuting time back through self-driving cars.

- Larry Page, Google CEO