
What my dreams are made of.

I had a dream that I was in a white pill capsule-shaped elevator.

My room (not sure if it was my apartment or a hotel?) was on the 60th floor of a 90-story building.

This skyscraping building was covered in white -- inside and out.

The elevator had a gray interior with a few floor to ceiling length windows -- maybe a foot-wide each. It moved on the outside of the building, much like the temporary elevators at construction sites. It moved over a white sandy beach with the ocean stretched out just beyond it.

Every time the elevator was requested to a higher floor, it'd start at the highest of the requested floors; I think, in an attempt to maximize energy use. And for some srange reason, my hand was magnetized to the 90th floor and each time, I'd reach out and press the button for floor 90. Then, bump back down to the 60th floor.

I couldn't get off the elevator. I couldn't stop pressing the 90th floor button. The elevator moved so fast I felt I was floating like a poorer version of what astronauts experience on the moon. I hardly kept my feet on the ground.

When the elevator reached the top, it flipped over; a complete 180. And still I couldn't get off.

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